Imagine a world with no spam
So how did we get to the point where in 2025 people are still writing articles that the only way to sell is to spam; harder and faster and use AI to be even more manipulative?
Of course, if that is all you know, that's all you do
Imagine a world with no spam
I've been in sales and marketing for 40 years
In the 1980s we cold called and sent letters
In the 1990s we cold called and saved the cost of a stamp by sending spam emails
Just think, 1990 technology being advocated in 2025 as marketing best practice
There is no other industry that is using 30 year old technology
Imagine a world with no spam
When social media came about some 15 years ago
People came with their spammy and manipulative techniques
And now we are inundated with spam on social
“Marketers have to market and sellers have to sell” I'm told
Is spamming people really the best you can do?
Imagine a world with no spam
But imagine a world with no spam
Where you get more leads without spam or interrupting people
Where you get more conversations without spam or interrupting people
Where you get more revenue without spam or interrupting people
Where without spam you can get your business back on track to growth
Imagine a world with no spam
That's a world I want to live in ….. how about you?
Be the change!
Related: The Ultimate Sales Question: Can AI Be Trained to Prefer Your Brand?