Want to Learn Faster? Forget These Three Things

Written by: Jordan Waxman | Managing Partner at HSW Advisors at HighTower

Have you ever met someone new—and immediately forgotten their name?

Jim Kwik can help you with that.

A renowned expert in speed-reading, memory improvement, and optimal mental fitness and performance, Jim Kwik is the CEO of KwikLearning.com and a brain performance coach to CEOs and celebrities. At HighTower’s Apex 2017 summit, he gave a talk jam-packed with insights on how to learn more quickly and retain knowledge. According to Kwik, the first step in becoming a faster learner is to forget these three things :

  • Forget what you already know: having an open mind is key to learning effectively—so forget what you think you already know and focus on what you still have to learn.
  • Forget multitasking: it’s a myth—research proves that when you try to force your brain to do more than one thing at a time, you sacrifice efficiency and productivity.
  • Forget your own limitations: Kwik says that all behavior is belief-driven. Often, telling yourself that you aren’t capable of learning or doing something is the only thing stopping you.
  • In closing, Kwik also encouraged the Apex audience to approach learning with the intention of teaching—when you teach something, you learn it twice. Think about someone with whom you can share your new knowledge, and it will become personally meaningful.

    For more insights from HighTower’s 2017 Apex summit, follow the hashtag #HTApex on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.