Trump, Ukraine & Europe: A Turning Point for the Atlantic Alliance?


Rudi Bachmann is a distinguished professor of economics at Notre Dame University. He's also actively involved with the German government and media in discussing geopolitics, particularly German economic and foreign policy.

Economics Matters -- the Podcast seeks to provide global perspectives on the great issues of the day. For Europe, the greatest issue of the day is Ukraine and whether President Trump will line up with America's European allies in defending Ukraine or sell Ukraine down the river to Putin. Those, though, are the easy boxes in which to cast President Trump. Appearances aside, he may actually be doing what's needed to find a lasting peace between the two nations, where lasting means Ukrainian security and sovereignty, not Russia puppethood. Please listen to this critical German perspective on Ukraine, Trump, and what appears to be the end of the Atlantic Alliance.

Rüdiger Bachmann is a Stepan Family College Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics at the University of Notre Dame. At Notre Dame, he is also a faculty affiliate of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies. He is a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), a research fellow of the CESifo research network, an IZA research fellow, and an external research professor at the ifo institute in Munich. He is also a member of the Atlantikbrücke e.V.

Prior to joining the University of Notre Dame, Bachmann was a full professor (W3) of behavioral economics and finance jointly at Goethe University and the Center of Excellence “Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe” (SAFE) in Frankfurt; the chair of economics, in particular Macroeconomics (W3), at RWTH Aachen University; and an assistant professor of economics at the University of Michigan. Bachmann received undergraduate degrees in Economics and Philosophy from Mainz University and a PhD from Yale University in 2007. Bachmann is an advisor to the German federal government and members of the German parliament. His research has been published in the American Economic Review and a range of other leading economics journals.

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