If you don’t recognize the label, “mass-affluent woman,” you will soon. The mass-affluent woman is just like you and me. She used to be known as part of the ‘middle-class’, making her a professional with a net worth between $250k to 1 million. As of now, she’s in serious demand. When it comes to money management, women control most household spending decisions and now also control 52% of the investment wealth in the US. Mass-affluent women have a voice and the financial services industry is hearing it loud and clear.
For decades, investment advisors have been accused of ignoring women unless they were counted as high net-worth. Not anymore. Even traditional advisors are giving this segment a lot more attention and eagerly reinventing themselves as female-friendly in order to court emerging wealthy and mass-affluent women. If you count yourself among this group, just know you have real power and you can, and should, leverage all this new interest and attention. It is vitally important that you make your money work for you as much as possible. It’s critically important to learn how to protect your wealth and make your money last through a lifetime. You deserve high-quality, conflict-free advice.
Here, understanding where to find the right financial advisor is crucial. A qualified advisor aligned with your needs can help steer you toward your financial goals and away from major obstacles you may not recognize as hazardous risks.
It’s a relationship that matters, and meeting the right advisor is key to its success.