Stop Going To Work, Start Going To Living!

Pause for a moment and let this sink in: ‘Stop Going to Work, Start Going to Living!’

This powerful truth has sparked a profound shift in how countless individuals approach their daily lives. For the ones who have not yet begun this journey to change their mindset we hear them saying the following to often:

Work is a grind!

  • Is it Friday yet? I’m over this week already.
  • The week’s been tough, but the weekend is my light at the end of the tunnel.
  • I feel like a hamster running on a wheel.
  • Feeling the burnout; time for a weekend escape.
  • I can’t wait until I retire so I can start living
  • Counting down the minutes until I can clock out.

When did we relegate the reins of our lives to the fleeting moments outside of work hours?

The candid reality for many individuals is a daily routine that feels robotically empty, with actions performed on autopilot as if in a daze. Frustration and negative responses are common reactions to the day’s events, revealing an underlying dissatisfaction. In the midst of this routine, there is a silent wish that leaders will miraculously create an environment of unending happiness. However, the belief that leadership alone can engineer happiness is a misconception. Wake up – this isn’t going to happen!

Remember – No one is coming…

Allow me just five minutes to guide you toward reclaiming control of your life, leading you to a place of smiling on the inside and outside. Let’s dive in and embrace this journey to genuine happiness!

  • Regardless of the company you work with, view it as a means to provide support for you and your family.
  • Go inside yourself immediately and define Your Purpose. Your purpose is why you are here on this earth. What is your internal north star? Many people define their purpose to be an advocate, helper, teacher, coach, leader to help others achieve their goals. Is that what you want?
  • Next is to align your map to your purpose. Your map is your plan, strategy to make your purpose come alive. With your purpose the map consists of being someone who explores to understand then leads. Spends time thinking and developing programs, systems, techniques for people to be more successful. People welcome challenges and love making hard decisions. They embrace being comfortable being uncomfortable.
  • Lastly, what are their actions/activities that become the energy to drive your map to achieve its purpose. These actions consist of:
  • Being an excellent listener
  • Developing wonderful questions that help people comprehend their next steps
  • Spend time everyday increasing their energy levels. Knowing they will be giving their energy away
  • Quieting their mind
  • Putting others first

When you look at my answers to stop going to work and start going to living it makes sense because if you are focused on your Purpose, Map, and Actions (PMA) you’re now living. You are no longer simply going through the motions, counting down the hours until the day is over. Instead, you are actively engaged, with your sleeves rolled up, working diligently to make a positive impact on those around you throughout the day.

Your energy boost during the day can come from the knowledge that you’re making a real difference. Whether you’re helping people, supporting teams, improving the organization, or contributing to the overall success of the company/family, that sense of adding value is powerful. Tap into your creativity to find new solutions and work together with your colleagues. When you innovate and collaborate effectively, you’re not just getting tasks done—you’re growing into a truly valuable member of the team. Your unique input and teamwork can make your job more rewarding and keep your motivation high throughout the day

Building on your proactive contributions that lead to fruitful outcomes, a deep sense of gratitude begins to resonate within you. This inner appreciation isn’t just an abstract feeling—it manifests visibly; you find yourself smiling, both inside and out. There’s a profound alignment between your actions and your inner sense of purpose. It feels as if you’re doing exactly what you were meant to do, and that alignment is both fulfilling and joyful, enhancing your sense of personal and professional well-being.

Embrace this truth as your call to action. Understand that the responsibility to change your life is yours alone—no one else will step in to do it for you. Begin this very moment to actively live, rather than merely exist. I assure you that the results will be transformative. You’ll create a foundation of security for both you and your family. Once you’re engaged, you’ll start to attract everything you need—financial gains, valuable connections, or unexpected opportunities. Miracles small/med/large will come your way, and fortuitous events will seem to materialize, all enhancing your ability to love and appreciate your life fully every single day.

You might be saying to yourself, Mark you don’t understand my company is making decisions that are driving me and everyone around me crazy. This prevents me from living my PMA. I get what you are saying…the answer is simple but challenging to do!

A very famous person said it this way and I know they were correct. “Keep the outer world outside you. Wear it like a light loose-fitting garment. Be in the world not of it!”

Another really successful person who lived a fantastic life said it this way “Change all the things you can easily change, accept most of the ones you can’t change and walk away from the rest.”

Your job, my job, everyone’s job is to keep all toxic energy outside of yourself. Do not ingest it, it will make you sick!

Practice these concepts and stop going to work and start going to living!! It truly is your choice.

Related: Are You Prioritizing Your Life Using These Qualities?