Never Forget March 9, 2009

I remember where I was on March 9, 2009.

'I was in a hotel on Maho Beach not far from where the 747's land on a small strip of land in the middle of the Caribbean. The weather was perfect, the water was every shade of blue. After breakfast, I turned on the TV to hear Warren Buffet declare this was an economic Pearl Harbor. From the heights of 2007, the S&P 500 was down around 57%!In case you have forgotten, relive it - The Day in 100 Seconds, click below:

As I write this, it's Friday, March 8, 2019. Two reasons to remember:

First,I think it's imperative to celebrate this bull market. It's a record breaker, ten years, the longest ever. Second,to remind you of how you felt on March 9, 2009. Ten years can make you forget.