We are in uncharted waters as President Trump coddles Russia, extorts Ukraine, threatens allies, and lays claim to Canada, Gaza, Panama, and Greenland. How much of this is theater and how much is reality?
Does it spell the end of NATO, invite China to invade Taiwan, presage World War III? No one can say, but Adam Garfinkle -- one of the world's most experienced and thoughtful experts on geopolitics -- has graciously joined Economics Matters to discuss our nation's uncertain and sorely troubled future. Do listen/watch the podcast. But also read Adam's article, The End of NATO.
Here's Adam's Wiki entry.
Adam M. Garfinkle is an American historian and political scientist and the founding editor of The American Interest, a bimonthly public policy magazine. He was previously editor of The National Interest. Author of 15 books, he has been a university teacher and a staff member at high levels of the U.S. government. He was a speechwriter to more than one U.S. Secretary of State. Garfinkle was a speechwriter for both of President George W. Bush's Secretaries of State, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. He was editor of The National Interest and left to edit The American Interest in 2005. Francis Fukuyama, Eliot Cohen, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Josef Joffe, and Ruth Wedgwood were among the magazine's founding leadership.
Early in his career, Adam worked at the Foreign Policy Research Institute (1972–1978 and from 1981). He taught American foreign policy and Middle East politics at the University of Pennsylvania (1980–1989) and Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. He has also taught at Drexel University (1980), Widener College (Chester, Pennsylvania) (1981), Haverford College (1991), and Tel Aviv University (1992–1993). He served on the staff of the National Security Study Group of the US Commission on National Security/21st Century (the Hart-Rudman Commission), as an aide to General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. (1979–1980), and an assistant to Senator Henry M. Jackson (1979). As of 2009, he was a member of the project "Middle East at Harvard" (MESH). Garfinkle has a B.A., M.A. (both 1972), and Ph.D. (1979) in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania.
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