Dear Adviser,
Apologies for the impersonal nature of the intro, but this is something I still wanted to try and address on a more 1-to-1 level, and implore you all to read in full.
It's something I've been battling with recently, and last months outstanding webinar with James Williamson of Millhaven only made me realise more that it's something that I need to communicate urgently to each and every adviser I can.
For many of you, it may not be entirely relevant and, because like James and others, you're getting through the work just fine. Nonetheless, I felt full disclosure is key.
Right now, there's something very serious going on getting in the way, and it's moments like this I can feel at my most despondent. It's been quite literally keeping me up at night.
The biggest issue I’m seeing right now that’s holding many of you back is simply having too much to do.
We can put it down to the state of our industry, but that’s just a catalyst for what’s really going on. Each and every person who engages with me - whether through the program or as little as reading this blog - is motivated to do so because of a result they're striving for. Usually, it’s about improving some aspect of their business and, by extension, their quality of life. Everything I’ve created and do is structured around providing the fuel for this, but the hard truth is it’s dependent on one simple thing to make it happen.Without action, nothing happens.
The ingredients of action, which I've learned from years of doing what I do, are devilishly simple:- Being clear on your end game.
- Being clear about why you want it.
- Knowledge about how to make it happen.
- Seeing the practical steps to follow.
- Making time to take those steps.
- Too many options.
- Accepting new tasks (with the greatest of intention) but not completing them.
- Allowing yourself to become distracted.
- Being disorganised and/or not planning ahead.
- Not doing what you planned to do.
- Let this slide. I just keep doing what I do, trying to drive change from outside your priorities, or
- Take the alternate route, shine a light on the problem and the behavior, and take responsibility for changing.
I will always choose the second option.
If you are committed to the result, and the only thing that is missing is the way to make it happen, then you need to know you’re not the first business owner who has found themselves in this situation, and you won’t be the first to find the solution. But maybe the first step is the realisation that maybe having too much to do isn’t the problem that needs solving before you can do your projects… …it is the project.The solution looks like this.
- Determine what needs doing from the competing priorities (I highly recommend doing daily Eisenhower Matrix as the way to nail this)
- Schedule time to do it
- Focus your attention
- Assemble and process in advance the information needed to make it easy to do.
- Act fast and get it completed as quickly as possible.
- Manage your capacity