Finding Your Leadership Purpose

It can be so frustrating for leaders to be in a position at work that they feel has no value or direction. Each day they approach their job with the hope that perhaps things will turn around and they will connect in a more meaningful way. Yet what continues to happen is nothing changes, and they find themselves running on the hamster wheel once again. Creating excuses or even blaming others for a lack of leadership clarity is a waste of time. How energizing would it be to identify what really matters to you in your leadership journey?

Similar to how an organization needs to establish a compelling vision, so too do leaders need to formulate their north star. Yet, what sometimes happens to leaders is that they get so caught up in their daily routines and projects that finding time to understand where they are headed is forgotten. The result is that they wake up one day and realize they are feeling uncertain in their career and life or even lost.

Here are five ways a coach can help leaders find their purpose:

1. Get Clear On What Is Happening Now

A coach is all about forging a partnership that helps leaders see the truth about their professional and personal lives.  In this coaching relationship they start by exploring everything that touches a leader in their current situation. Through discovery questions a clear picture emerges that paints how a leader is actually functioning or not functioning. The more honest with each other, the better the outcome.

2. Recognize What Energizes You

Have you ever wondered what gets you out of bed in the morning to face your day with joy and fortitude? Perhaps that’s not how you are feeling right now, but what if you could get to that point of excitement again? Through coaching, a leader can:

  • Dig for the gems in their work situations.
  • Learn what makes them come alive.
  • Understand what matters most to them so they can pursue those things.

3. Say Out Loud What Depletes You

There is nothing more empowering than to admit the toxic elements in our work worlds and personal lives. Some leaders may feel afraid at first to admit what zaps them of the ability to be happy or lead in a forward way. However, without naming the types of bosses or colleagues that crush you, it is impossible to take action forward. Without learning what projects or work exhaust you, it is difficult to locate your best opportunities.

4. Tackle What’s Stopping You

A coach is skilled in helping leaders state the very things that are tripping them up. Maybe there are saboteurs that a leader doesn’t even realize are telling them lies about what they need. Perhaps a leader is making assumptions about people or ideas or decisions that are self-limiting. Unless a leader deepens their understanding of what is preventing them from feeling fulfilled or complete, they will continue to do the same actions over and over again.

  • Name the self-sabotaging thinking.
  • Stop the self-limiting beliefs.
  • Create new behaviors to squelch the negativity.

5. Create The Dream and Plan

What would be the value of a coach without helping a leader take action and design their plan? In a coaching partnership, the coach asks the leader how they want to be held accountable. The leader designs the plan that will align with their values and bring them the most joy. Just imagine creating a career and life path that will reflect your leadership purpose. Just imagine doing what brings you meaning on a daily basis. Just imagine leading with your authentic self. Just imagine….

Related: Has Your Leadership Hit a “Blip” in the Road?