Financial Independence Isn't Only for the Wealthy

As we head into the Fourth of July , almost everyone I know is making plans for a celebration. Barbecues. Fireworks. Family and friends. It’s a time-honored tradition of celebrating the declaration of our independence from England way back in 1776. And while we should never take those liberties for granted, one thing that can give you a great reason to celebrate every day is your personal financial freedom.

Sound like an impossible dream? No matter what the state of your finances today, here are five steps to help pave your way toward true financial freedom:

1. Freedom from illiteracy .

According to this 2015 S&P Global Financial Literacy Study , nearly half of the U.S. population rates as financially illiterate. Financial illiteracy’s close companion, innumeracy, or mathematical illiteracy, is also a challenge. Even many highly educated people don’t understand the impact of compounding, the difference between “good debt ” and “bad debt ,” or why working with a financial fiduciary is vital to financial success. No matter where you are on the spectrum, make it your mission to be a lifetime learner when it comes to money, investing, and your finances. The more you know, the better your decisions will be. A great place to start: read How to Think About Money by Jonathan Clements. This easy read will have you on your way to worrying less about money, making smarter financial choices, and squeezing more happiness out of every dollar.

2. Freedom from chaos.

If your financial files are in a constant state of chaos, you can bet your financial life is in pretty bad shape as well. No matter what the reason, know this: you’re not alone. Finances are complicated, but the longer you procrastinate, the more complex the challenge will be. If you can’t get yourself to dive into that growing stack of papers, or if you simply don’t know where or how to begin, set your pride aside and reach out to your financial advisor to get help now.

3. Freedom from debt .

Debt is a huge problem in the US. In 2017, the average US household held more than $8,000 in credit card debt , up 6% from last year. And that doesn’t even include auto loans and other “bad debt ” which, in contrast to “good debt ” such as a home mortgage, student loans, and business loans, doesn’t have the potential to generate benefits over time. Because “bad debt ” reduces your income, adds no value to your wealth, and forces you to pay more every month for an item that is losing value, it’s one of biggest threats to your financial freedom. Use a debt snowball to reduce and eliminate the debt you have today, and avoid taking on more debt in the future.

4. Freedom from mindless spending.

Financial independence requires understanding that every dollar matters, and being mindful about how you spend each and every dollar you have. Does that mean every dollar has to be relegated to paying down debt or saving for the future? No. But it does mean creating a budget to plan how much you need to save and how much you can spend every month. By creating a cash budget , you’ll already feel liberated because you’ll be in charge of your finances, instead of letting your finances be in charge of you.

5. Freedom from the unexpected.

A recent survey from Bankrate revealed that 57% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a $500 unexpected expense. If you too are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s time to create a “freedom fund” to cover 6-12 months of living expenses. While that may sound like a lot of cash, think of it like paying off a debt to your future self now, build it into your budget , and pay yourself first every month. Once your “freedom fund” is at the ready, you’ll be amazed by the sense of relief you’ll experience when you’re no longer living paycheck to paycheck.

Financial independence isn’t only for the wealthy. By being mindful about your finances now, you can intentionally work toward a level of freedom that ensures you can always stand on your own two feet. Best of all you’ll have financial peace of mind so you can relax about your money. That’s the kind of freedom you’ll want to celebrate every day of your life! If you need help getting there, I’m always here to help!