Written by: Simon Begum | Econnexx
By now you may be familiar with modern marketing, its methodology and the processes used to drive results for financial firms. But perhaps you don’t feel a need to invest in a modern marketing strategy for yourself, or you don’t quite ‘get’ how something so relatively new can make a seismic change to your income – especially when the processes you use to run your firm have been tried and tested for years.
Basically you just aren’t sure and feel investing in modern marketing is simply a risk you are not prepared to take.
But before you dismiss the proposition of modern marketing take a few moments and ask yourself the following questions:
These are just some of the many questions financial advisers should be asking themselves. If any of these questions resonate, then modern marketing is a proposition that cannot be dismissed.
Effective modern marketing is no gimmick. It isn’t a flash in the pan, or a novelty service. It is a data driven, concentrated effort that works. It is a process that utilises digital technology, to meet the needs and demands of the modern consumer. Technology won’t go away, it will continue to evolve and those who stand still and refuse to act will have a firm that is not generating the income it could.
So the real question is, can you afford not to invest in modern marketing?