AI-Driven LinkedIn Posts: A Kazoo at a Metallica Concert

Using AI to post more on LinkedIn is like playing a kazoo at a Metallica Concert…and just as effective.

I know I posted about AI and referrals only two weeks ago…but, I keep getting triggered by horrible advice being shared about how to grow a business on LinkedIn.

Basically, my title speaks for itself.  Using AI to either (a) try to generate AI content that doesn’t look like AI or (b) using AI to post even more mediocre content…is beyond foolish.

You are playing someone else’s game…badly.

Think about it.  How does the platform make money?  Advertising.

How do they charge more for advertising?  Attention (yours)

When you try to play the volume game using AI you will not only lose now…you are wasting your future.  You don’t have the team, technology and talent to use AI to create better content (in most cases) and you probably don’t have the ad spend to make sure your ideal prospect gets to see it.

You do know that just because you post something that there is no guarantee that it gets to everyone you want it to…right?

I recently heard about an AI tool that will make AI posts less likely to be shown as AI in some form of content screen.  What a completely useless concept.  That would only be relatively productive for a company sending massive amounts of content and using advertising to get it to their desired audience.

If you are reading this newsletter chances are you are one of two types of

1. A higher end service professional like a financial advisor/planner, attorney, CPA or business consultant coach looking to use referrals to drive desired ideal client acquisition.  You are in the right place.

2. A business owner of a firm filled with professionals like those above.  You are looking to find a strategy that you can adopt, integrate and have your team execute upon in a predictable execution process that will scale and evolve with you and your team (you are also in the right place).

If you sell stuff that is expensive and delivers significant results for your current and future clients…look to use AI where it is most valuable and that is in research and strategy development.  I use aI all the time for those purposes.

Don’t use AI to even further water down your image and impact.  Remember, the most engaged people on LinkedIn are…other sales professionals and marketers.  IF (a huge IF) your ideal prospect is active they are almost certainly (a) selling to other people and/or (b) just scrolling and reading without liking/commenting.

I can only imagine that honest business owner prospects would feel like hemophiliac at a vampire convention…with an open wound…if they actually were publicly active on social.

My system focuses on (a) making sure that when the prospect finds me that they find another human being that is interesting and unique and (b) developing relationships with other professionals that share a similar current and future client base to collaborate with offline.

There are no shortcuts in marketing. If you want it to go faster you need to do something else…advertise. You are buying meetings when you advertise and there is nothing wrong with that.  What is wrong is buying marketing when you think it is actually advertising.

Do the work. Strategy is first and then execution follows with measurement and adjustments. Referrals are marketing.

Related: Is Your Approach Focused on Building a Business or an Oil Well?