Steve Gresham on Planning for Longevity and Life’s Surprises


This may be one of the most important interviews we’ve done since the inception of Top Advisor Podcast.

The very best advisors know that their job is more than managing investments or selling insurance. The very best advisors are increasingly focused on Longevity Planning for the Baby Boomer clients.

These advisors prioritize building strong, meaningful connections with their clients, getting to know their individual life stories, and providing guidance through critical life-changing events.

In this episode, Referral Coach Bill Cates and Steve Gresham delve into the fascinating world of longevity planning and the importance of being prepared for unexpected events. As advisors, it’s crucial for us to anticipate these events and help our clients navigate through them with expertise and care.

You’ll hear real-life examples of advisors who have let their clients down in this area as well as examples of advisors who showed up big time for their clients.


But it doesn’t stop there. Bill and Steve explore the growing demographic wave of older individuals and the unique challenges they face. Longevity planning is not something to be taken lightly.

Listen to all the Top Advisor Podcast Episodes here:

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