How To Prepare for the Death of a Loved One

Reflecting on the loss of a loved one is an agonizing journey nobody willingly embarks on.

Yet, those who take proactive steps to brace themselves for such an inevitable occurrence are often spared the crippling weight of financial burden and the relentless onslaught of emotional upheaval in the aftermath.

Join Nicole Romito as she welcomes her esteemed colleague, Carrie Shoener, to discuss the critical but often overlooked topic of preparing for the death of a loved one. Despite the difficulty, it is essential to have these conversations to ensure that everything is in order and wishes are understood.

Learn key steps and best practices as Nicole and Carrie discuss:

  • How to approach the end-of-life conversation with your loved ones
  • Strategies for ensuring family members have access to essential documents and passwords
  • The importance of having updated financial and estate planning documents 
  • Tips for sharing sensitive topics with family members to avoid future conflicts
  • And more

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