Why Institutional Investors Should Consider Uranium

When it comes to institutional investors exploring alternative energy sources uranium and nuclear energy present an intriguing opportunity. With the pressing need to address high global energy demands and combat climate change, this is an energy source that should not be underestimated. However, concerns still exist in terms of supply and demand as well as the geopolitical environment on the global stage.

In our highly anticipated second episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host, Kieran Cavanna, engages in a captivating discussion on uranium investing with Daren Heitman, CFA, Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, and Chris Gillespie, Partner and Co-Portfolio Manager at Azarias Capital Management.

Daren and Chris discuss: 

  • is now the right time for institutional investors to take a serious look at uranium investing options.
  • why haven’t we seen this commodity start to spike? When will contracting start to build true momentum?
  • how is the industry leader, Cameco changing their approach to uranium production to be more responsible for longer-term investors.
  • the risks associated with the United States’ dependence on Russia and Kazakhstan for nuclear fuel supply.
  • the increasing acceptance of nuclear power as a viable solution for meeting climate change goals.
  • the buildouts and extensions that the US, China, and Japan are planning versus a country like Germany who is looking to shut their plants completely.
  • and more!

Related: Fueling Technological Breakthroughs in Energy Transition