Why Active Investing Works in International Equities

Written by: Bryan SajjadiSeth MarksBurr Clark and Vino Ravichandran

Fidelity research suggests active international allocations have topped index funds over time.

Key Takeaways

  • Many international equity investors have continued to prefer index-based exposures, even though Fidelity research concludes that active approaches in international equity markets have topped the performance of index funds over time.
  • Active managers can use their expertise regarding local laws and regulations and the competitive environment to avoid problematic international securities and segments.
  • The economic backdrop for inflation, geopolitics, and monetary policy could result in a broader range of potential winners and losers across multiple investment categories in the years to come, implying there may be greater opportunities for active managers across regions and countries.

Get the full white paper here: Why active investing works in international equities

Read more: Industry Leading Funds and Returns | Fidelity Institutional

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