A Stalling Job Market

What The Heck?

The job market is in wait-and-see mode.

Sure, hiring is still happening at what experts call a more normalized rate (aligned with historical averages). Over 200k jobs were added in the month of June.

But this normal is different.

It's a new normal.

  • Hiring is slowing (can concentrated in leisure, hospitality, healthcare and government jobs)

  • Layoffs are limited

  • Workers are still quitting even if it's harder to get a new job

Maybe we are approaching a crossroad

Plot Twist

AI, shifting business models, and changing consumer preferences have been primary drivers of the new normal.

That means workers and employers are considering all their options when it comes to when, where and how work happens.

A recalibration is underway.

And a new twist may be part of the complex equation of work…

The election may be slowing hiring decisions.

Typically this isn't the case, but the sharp jump in C-suite worries about political leadership suggests it could be playing a role.

Executives are more worried about political leadership than economic conditions.

And they are almost as worried about it as inflation, employee costs/benefits, and availability of skilled workers, according to the Journal of Accountancy.

Patience, My Friend

The good news is that layoffs are slowing and companies know they need to hold on to their employees.

The bad news is they are hiring at a snail’s pace.

It likely means a slow down in opportunity in the near-term.

As frustrating as that can be, now may be the time to begin exploring what you want your future of work to look like.

Post-election, I’m hoping there will be more open mindedness from employers and employees on what the future of work looks like.

A career is not something you find. It is something you create, after all.

Fake Email Jobs?!

OK, I just learned about this term.

Am I the only one living under a rock?

Apparently fake email jobs are office jobs that mostly involve sending emails without producing anything, according to one journalist.

Here’s a run down on the topic from Bustle.

But this TikTok made me laugh…. hehe.

TikTok - What Happens At An Office Job?


Related: The Market Is Very Extended but It Can Stay That Way