The volume of information supportive of EQ is unprecedented . We would like to remind you that improving EQ can be helpful for us all. This science and proven results are strong and supports your careful attention. In short, if you and I are inclined to breathe in and practice the EQ messages, we will in fact improve our ability to be more self-aware, more empathic, more compassionate, etc. If we are not inclined, the information, no matter how perfectly researched and delivered will not be helpful. In the former fresh neural pathways – those channels in our brain that allow us to support new habits – will start forming. The challenge is to drill them deep as the brain is naturally predisposed to resisting new “stuff” for fear there will not be enough energy (erg’s) for what it perceives to be its regular responsibilities (immune system function, heart rate, blood pressure, nervous system activity, and endocrine system to name a few).
We know that persistence and repetition are a valuable one -two punch in the development of new EQ habits. Remember though, EQ training is not a panacea. It will not by itself solve addiction, marital, or mental health challenges. What it will do is take some who is inclined to grow (thank you Ari Frazer) and give them a foundation that will support that growth. Within the big domain of EQ how do we know what to focus on in our development work? We use well validated testing instruments today to guide us. The EQ-I 2.0 is an example. Here are the 5 areas of assessment from that instrument.
Under each of the five categories of information are sub-sets that help us locate strengths and weaknesses that help you understand yourself better. We also use validated quality of life questionnaires that measure similar competencies. Among them are stress management, anger, positive states, and vitality.
Related: Why Doesn't Society Value Emotional Health?
Once we complete a baseline analysis of EQ strengths and weaknesses we build a plan of action, or Individual Development Plan. Coupled with sound professional and trained peer observers, our MYT process starts chiseling those fresh neural pathways week after week for 5 months. We are meticulous in its delivery and execution. If you are curious about the results our 8 years of product development our White Paper is on our website under the About Us tab. Once our training is completed we go back and do a post-test and send a summary letter of results. Then our part of the equation used to be finished, and further growth depended on the participant.
It took a short while for us to realize we did not have any form of “after care” for our Mastery™ Alumni to keep their development going. Therefore, we put together a new product we called Extension. Its description lives under the Alumni tab on our website. It is designed to support folks who have completed their initial work and have an EQ foundation. Where our epiphany comes in is the realization that Extension does not have to be a one-time stop. Beginning with our May 2018 Extension group (limited to 10 participants) we will retest those interested in joining using the Quality of Life Questionnaires previously mentioned. When their group finishes in July we will retest and send them a “Summary” letter again and encourage them to bring this work into their lives once a year. The continued chiseling and nurturing of these fresh neural pathways should move our alumni further and further towards their optimal performance.