Pioneering research in the psychology of investing, now known as behavioral finance, by Nobel Peace Prize winners Daniel Khaneman and Amos Tversky, and other leading academics, has highlighted key investment behavior insights. These insights are all a dimension of a person’s financial personality .Understanding a person’s financial personality, whether advisor or investor, informs the degree to which each is biased in their decision making and the way in which advice could more effectively be delivered.There is a clear connection between these investment behaviors and natural behavior and identifiable traits. As each person, whether advisor or investor, is different, the extent to which each of these investment behaviors exists in any one person will be different depending on their strongest natural behavioral trait . Usually, each person will clearly exhibit several investment behaviors depending on their natural behavioral style. Without clear understanding of each other’s financial personality and life goals, advice will always be skewed from the advisor’s point of view and, similarly, from the way the investor receives the advice.Related: The Behavior of Leaders Shape the Culture of an Organization