Much of what you know about psychology may be a lie. Over the last several decades, popular psychology has led to the rise of dozens of myths that have given people a false sense of understanding about how their brains operate and how to interpret the behaviors of those around them.
Here at the Science of People, my goal is to teach the true science that drives our thoughts and behaviors. So, I decided to conquer ten of the most popular psychology myths and explain science behind why they are false.
#1 Smiling is the secret to happiness
The Myth:
In recent years, positive psychology has touted the idea that if you’re having a bad day, all you have to do is smile and you will almost instantaneously become happier. It’s a wonderful idea–after all, if it was that easy to boost your mood we could all be happy everyday. But, just like smiling can’t solve our problems, it can’t take away the unhappiness that comes from experiencing negative events and believing that it can may negatively affect your mental health.
Another problem with this myth is that it promotes the idea that we should be happy all the time and this can make people feel worse. As the science shows, a fake smile isn’t enough to make people feel better.
However, like most myths, there is a grain of truth to this one. If you’re just having an off day without any identifiable negative emotions like feeling sad , angry , fearful , etc. then smiling can boost your mood. This is because you’re not attempting to force yourself to shift from one strong emotion to another. Instead, you’re choosing to shift from a relatively neutral state to a positive one. The key to this is doing a real smile not a fake one:
Genuine happiness causes the muscles near the eye to activate, so if you only move your lips upward, your brain won’t receive the signal to be happy.
The Science:
If you are experiencing a negative emotion like anger, sadness, grief, fear, etc., fake smiling to cover up your emotions will make you feel worse. Research shows that suppressing feelings raises your stress level and can cause you to dwell on the negative emotions for longer than if you accept and express your emotions in the moment. Obviously there are certain contexts such as in professional environments or otherwise in public where it may not be appropriate to express your emotions. In those cases, a fake smile may be necessary, but, when you do so, internally validate your emotions so that you don’t experience the negative effects of fully suppressing them.
#2 Power posing increases your confidence hormones
The Myth:
In one of the most popular TED talks of all time, Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy shared her research that power posing–standing or sitting with your body as expanded as possible (think superwoman pose) lowers your stress hormones, increases your testosterone (the power hormone) levels and makes you look and feel more confident. Her study went viral and power posing became the thing to do before important meetings, interviews and presentations to ensure your success.
The Science:
In 2015, a group of researchers replicated Amy Cuddy’s study using five times as many participants and could not find any indication that her results are real. It’s suspected that Cuddy and her fellow researchers either made an error in the study and/or they manipulated their data to yield a statistically significant result.
After hearing about Cuddy’s study, many people reported that power poses helped them feel more confident. Their feelings are likely the result of the placebo effect from listening to a well-educated person tell them power posing works. However, there is no supporting research to indicate that power posing has the biological effect that Cuddy claims it has.
#3 Opposites attract and make better partners
The Myth:
It’s a myth that when dating, you’re likely to be attracted to people who are very different from you. A primary reason why this myth is so popular is that people believe the false logic that we are drawn to potential partners who have opposite traits than us because they are more interesting and will create a balanced relationship.
The Science:
An abundance of research shows that the opposite is true; we are drawn to potential partners who are similar to us. Not only that, but similarity is also an indicator of long-term relationship success because people who are similar typically agree on more things and share the same communication preferences.
Related: The Science of Productivity
#4 People are more creative when they brainstorm in groups
The Myth:
Today’s business world is more eager than ever to promote collaboration based on the popular belief that multiple heads are better than one. While it is true that we benefit from getting feedback and learning from one another, it’s a myth that groups can brainstorm more and better ideas than single individuals.
The Science:
According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (and a bunch of other research institutions), group brainstorming sessions have three characteristics that limit creativity:
Instead of team brainstorming, give people the opportunity to talk individually or in small groups so they can come up with as many creative ideas as possible, then have them share their ideas with the team for feedback.
#5 Venting helps you overcome anger
The Myth:
As you learned in the happiness myth, suppressing emotions is harmful, but so is venting them. A lot of people mistakenly believe that the fastest way to deal with anger is to yell, rant and otherwise let it all out.
The Science:
Research shows that venting has the opposite effect than intended. Rather than calm you down, venting positively reinforces your anger, causing you to become more angry for a longer period of time. Instead of venting, express your anger in a more productive way like taking a brief break from the triggering situation, identify the causes of your anger and see if you can fix any of them, or channel your anger into an activity like exercise or art.
#6 You are left-brained or right-brained
The Myth:
You’ve probably heard a highly creative person proclaim they’re right-brained or a analytical person state that they are left-brained. The idea that we have a dominant side of our brain determines how artistic or logical we are is based on how each half of our brain controls different activities.
The Science:
The idea that people have different dominant sides of their brains is completely false. Research shows that everyone uses both sides of their brains equally because though most abilities are based in different regions of the brain, they are able to be carried out by the connections formed between different parts. Based on an individual’s lifestyle, it is possible for certain sections of the brain to become stronger because the brain has adapted to being under the same conditions for a prolonged period of time, however, that happens with individual parts not and entire half of the brain.
#7 Men and women have completely different communication styles
The Myth:
At some point, I’m sure you’ve heard a friend complain that they struggle to communicate with the opposite gender or to understand what the opposite gender is thinking. This myth is based on the belief that men and women are so different, it is like they speak different languages.
The Science:
As our culture is becoming more accepting of people who don’t conform to gender roles, research is finding that men and women aren’t as psychologically different as we may think.
According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, people tend to communicate and behave according to the gender roles in their environment. When you remove the expectations to communicate in accordance with one’s gender role, men and women communicate very similarly.
#8 Most people undergo a midlife crisis
The Myth:
If you live in the United States, you definitely know this one. People hit their forties and suddenly either realize their life isn’t how they always wanted it to be and/or they become terrified that their younger years are over. Next thing you know, they’re buying fun cars and/or motorcycles, making dramatic career changes, dyeing their hair, getting divorced or making other impulsive changes to cope with aging.
The Science:
In reality, researchers estimate that only about 10% of the population suffers from midlife crises and that the rest of us age through our forties and fifties without losing our rationality. Sure, we’ll undergo many challenges and may even do some of the stereotypical midlife crisis things, but we don’t lose ourselves in the process.
Related: The Female Alpha: How to Spot It
#9 Your personality stabilizes when you’re an adult
The Myth:
Many people believe that by the time you’re about 25 years old, your brain is fully developed and that with the exception of the effects of traumatic experiences, your adult personality stays relatively stable. Part of the appeal of this myth is that by 25 many people feel like they should have a clear sense of direction and be progressing toward stable goals ; we don’t like to think that, as humans, we are inherently unstable.
The Science:
A study took personality data from a whopping 132,515 people and found the following traits change over time:
These changes alter our desires and behaviors as we age and debunk the idea that in adulthood our personalities fully mature.
#10 The average person only uses 10% of their brain capacity
The Myth:
This myth began in the mid to late 1800s when researchers compared the learning abilities and accomplishments of a child prodigy to the average person who is far less intellectually stimulated. It was expanded upon in the 1900s when researchers who didn’t understand the functions of all the parts of the brain noticed that many parts of people’s brains appeared inactive, leading them to think that people are only using about 10% of the brain’s full capacity.
The myth remains popular because people use it to argue that by not pushing themselves to their intellectual limits and reaching their full potential, people are failing to use all of their brain power.
The Science:
Modern research shows that throughout the day, we use 100% of our brains. The key here is that it is throughout the course of the entire day not all at once. Every part of our brain serves different functions so while the sections that control essential processes like breathing and our senses are active non-stop, other parts that are responsible for activities like the fear response , problem-solving, etc. only activate when necessary. Given this, some people’s lifestyles make their brains more active than others, but we all make use of all of our brain’s abilities.
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