If you’re a new financial advisor, there are a lot of obstacles that can prevent you from becoming as wealthy as you possibly can.
But there has also never been more opportunity throughout all human history.
And since I want you to become the single most successful financial advisor you can be, I’m sharing some of the secrets which are directly responsible for the success of my business and every financial advisor’s business I’ve helped along the way.
Best part?
You won’t hear any of this in your favorite guru, from finance school, or in any webinar you attend. Listen now.
Show highlights include:
- This quick litmus test reveals with near crystal clear certainty whether your business will succeed or fail (5:07)
- The “D&D” game to business that will make you one of the wealthiest financial advisors as long as you stick with it (7:43)
- The “Funeral List” mindset trick to finally stop caring what others think (and how this makes your business’s bottom line skyrocket) (9:54)
- How this 2 pains lesson from Jim Rohn helps you figure out whether you’re cut off for being a business owner or not (11:21)
- Why you don’t need to be “valuable” in order to become stinkin’, filthy rich as a financial advisor (13:59)
- How tactical thinking will slowly bankrupt your business (and the only proven way to guarantee long-term success) (18:59)