The Most-Asked Questions of a Financial Advisor

Imagine walking into a financial planner’s office for the first time. What questions would you ask before deciding to work with that person?Today, Royal Standley is here to answer your biggest questions. Working off a list of his clients’ most-asked questions, Royal gives forthright and detailed answers, while also sharing helpful planning advice along the way!Related: Why Mental Shortcuts Are Often Poor Investment Guides

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The different services provided by a financial planner vs. a financial advisor
  • Royal’s opinion on the future of Social Security—do we need to worry about this benefit disappearing?
  • The overlooked side effect of saving a lot of money in a 401(k)
  • Why Royal doesn’t factor inheritances into financial plans
  • The IRA-contribution opportunity that most people don’t know about
  • And more!
  • Tune in and learn the answers to the most-asked financial planning questions!

    You can also get your questions answered in the next podcast by emailing Royal at Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, Inc.