The Major Tenets of Value Investing with Larry Pitkowsky

Larry Pitkowsky is the Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager at GoodHaven Capital Management, LLC, an investment advisory firm managing separate accounts and a no-load mutual fund. GoodHaven believes value investing is owning quality businesses run by exceptional leadership that can be purchased at a price significantly below intrinsic value.

Live from our fall Advisorpedia Podcast Pop-Up in New York City, Doug and Larry delve into GoodHaven’s operation in the value investing field and the long-term oriented work the value investor should be prioritizing.

They also discussed:

  • The values behind GoodHaven Capital and how they think
  • What is and what is not value investing 
  • Being a value investor this year and if it’s been advantageous or unfavorable
  • The re-launch of GoodHaven in 2019 and its impact on the company overall
  • The current macro backdrop and the market volatility
  • What differentiates GoodHaven from competitors looking to partner with advisors 
  • Compelling stock ideas that GoodHaven owns and why

Resources: GoodHaven Risk Management, LLC

Rerlated: The High Pressures of Managing High Incomes with Vicki Greene