One thing I absolutely LOVE about this industry is that there are so many different ways to do this business. I don’t care what your compensation model is, if you do traditional planning, reverse planning, fee-only…. Whatever your special sauce is— the one thing that is common amongst all types of business models is the need to make it scalable.
And to me, scaling a business is increasing your capacity so that you can increase revenue, without necessarily adding in more of your time and without sacrificing your margins long term. Meaning, you can build a business that you love. That honors how you want to do life. That brings you joy and happiness and all the things… without consuming every moment. Without you being tethered to your phone all weekend or checking email during the kids’ soccer games. You know what I mean. The business that allows you to live out your passion and serve clients in the way you want to that makes you feel good.
Today I want to introduce you to a coaching client of mine… Trent. What Trent is doing with his business is so cool, so interesting, and scalable. What I love about Trent’s business model is that he took what he loved, eliminated what he didn’t, found his groove, and really went for it. I think his story might just inspire you to think outside the box a bit when it comes to building your business and your offerings.
Related: Turning Variable Compensation Into Consistent Income with Mike Witkowski