I don't feel this way too often but I feel like I failed you.
I know, not the best opener for the last social media post of 2019 but the truth is, this post was supposed to be posted hours ago.And episode #081 was supposed to drop live on your favorite podcast listening app at 6:30 am this morning... like every weekly episode has done for the last 81 weeks.But somehow I overlooked getting this episode loaded and scheduled. And when I realized my mistake, I was sitting in Princi Bakery (best avocado toast by the way) in freezing Chicago about to head to see Hamilton with my hubby. I couldn't do what I needed to do from my phone, so I had to wait until I got back to my laptop.So here we are much later than expected.But episode #081 is ready for you and you only need 14 minutes to soak it in as I share the ONE MUST you need to do as we start 2020. Please give me 14 minutes and then do the one must I ask of you. The episode will explain the what and the why.Here's to your 2020 success!
Related: The Future Belongs to Finishers