Mastering the Art of Selling Ongoing Financial Advice

Many financial advisors squirm about the idea of selling ongoing financial advice. 

For some reason, they think it’s a scam—and this comes across when they’re selling it to prospective clients. 

The result? 

Banging your head against the wall because without a new source of prospective clients, you’ll be out on the streets. 

But here’s the thing:

In many cases, ongoing financial advice is not only an easier way to sell your services, but more honorable too. 

In today’s show, I’ll give you my step-by-step playbook for selling ongoing financial advice, making your clients more money, and making yourself more money too. 

Listen now. 

Show highlights include:

  • The single most important fundamental thing you need in order to successfully sell your financial advice (1:22) 
  • 2 beliefs you must have in order to outsell any of your competitors (1:45) 
  • How to improve almost every aspect of your business overnight by committing to “psychological alignment” (3:35) 
  • The religious argument for why you should charge more for your services (Best part? You don’t have to be religious to do this!) (6:37) 
  • Why financial advisors who worry about what constitutes “value” are always less successful than those who ignore it (8:49)
  • How thinking like a lawyer or doctor can triple your business by this time next year (10:29) 
  • 4 key features that make your clients happy to fork over absurd amounts of money for your financial advice (12:48) 
  • The subtle, yet critical language tweak that makes ongoing financial advice more desirable by your ideal clients (16:06) 
  • 4 of the most common objections to ongoing financial planning—and how to conquer them to win clients (19:02) 

Related: How to Turn One-Time Financial Plans into a Winning Offer