Master Marketing With the Two-Toed Sloth Strategy with Kalli Fedusenko

Channel your inner two-toed sloth.

Bet that’s the first time you’ve heard that advice. 

In this episode of the Top Advisor Marketing Podcast, host Matt Halloran talks to Kalli Fedusenko from Kalli Collective about the importance of a strategic — and a patient — approach to marketing, much like the slow and deliberate movement of a two-toed sloth. She shares three keys to a more disciplined and determined marketing approach that “gets you what you want,” without the overwhelm.

Matt and Kalli discuss:

  • The importance of the buyer’s journey
  • The need for personalized content over ‘canned’ material
  • What advisors stand to gain by evolving their marketing strategies over time, adapting to changes, and maintaining a collaborative effort with their marketing teams
  • A reminder that marketing (like the journey of a sloth) should be a slow, steady, and strategic process aimed at long-term success
  • And more

Related: How To Differentiate Your Advisory Firm With Alternative Investments with Shana Sissel

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