Manage Portfolios at Scale With the Right Technology with Brian Bleasdell

Brian Bleasdell is the Chief Product Officer at Flyer Financial Technologies.  Flyer Financial Technologies develops advanced technology for managing complex, multi–asset, institutional securities trading using highly scalable software and network technologies.

Doug and Brian sat down at the FSI OneVoice Summit and talked about what Flyer Financial Technologies actually does that makes them unique in the industry. They also discuss:

  • Why they changed the name from FIX Flyer 
  • The end-to-end process the platform addresses
  • The Flyer Financial Technologies features that enable advisors to scale up and/or implement unique workflows
  • Real-life examples of how advisors use Flyer Financial Technologies
  • What is coming next for Flyer Financial Technologies and what is driving that roadmap

Resources:   Flyer Financial Technologies

Related: Enabling Advisor Scalability Through Technology with Rusty Sommer

Recorded at the FSI OneVoice 2022  Presented by: