Know Your Worth: Strategies for Pricing and Year-End Planning

What You'll Learn In Today's Episode:

  • Advisors must ensure they are charging their true value.
  • Billing errors can lead to significant risks, including legal issues.
  • Advisors should track client metrics to maintain a healthy pipeline.
  • Year-end planning is vital for long-term business success.

In this weekly recap, Amber Kuhn highlights fee management and strategic business planning. On Monday, Matthew Jarvis was joined by Lacey Shrum from Smart KX to explore the often-overlooked art of billing and fee collection. They revealed that many advisors underestimate their value, leaving money on the table through inconsistent billing practices and fear of raising fees.

On Thursday, Jamie recommended taking a strategic approach to year-end business planning. She introduced the “3 Ps” client evaluation method: assessing clients’ personability, productivity, and profitability. Jamie broke down essential metrics for financial practices, including pipeline analysis, client account sizes, and critical financial calculations like EBOC (Earnings Before Owner Compensation) and EBITDA.

Related: Why Every Business Needs a One-Page Plan