How to Turn One-Time Financial Plans into a Winning Offer

While one-time financial plans aren’t as attractive to prospective clients or your financial advice business, there’s still a place for them. 

Some people will prefer a one-time plan, and others might see it as a way to take your services for a test drive before committing to a long term relationship. 

But most financial advisors aren’t good at helping their prospective clients see the value of one-time financial plans. And this flaw nukes your conversion rates. 

So, in today’s episode, I’m going to share the biggest obstacles prospective clients will have to buying a one-time financial plan. And how you can overcome each one to improve your sales process and remove the barriers to working with you. 

Listen now. 

Show highlights include:

  • The almost-too-obvious, yet wildly effective way to convert more people into paying clients (6:51) 
  • One skill financial advisors must master to overcome the psychological “temporal discounting” glitch your clients will have to your one-time financial plan (12:10) 
  • How to make your clients sell themselves on buying a service with a delayed payoff (even when it goes against their natural psychology) (12:38) 
  • 3 things you must emphasize when selling to prospective clients who have the “DIY Mentality" (14:40) 
  • How to help your clients feel more empowered when buying a one-time financial plan (this boosts conversions) (17:50) 
  • The “Future Relationship" positioning trick that turns one-time financial plans into recurring revenue (19:45) 

Related: Position Yourself as the Clear Choice for Financial Advice