It’s time to think about investing beyond the numbers!
Value-based investing is a way of investing that focuses on aligning your financial goals with your values and beliefs, but does this approach affect our potential returns? Can we really make a difference in the world while growing our wealth?
In this episode, Abbey Henderson, CEO, Wealth Advisor & Coach, sits down with Jessica Golson, Senior Vice President, Investments and Trading at Carson Group, to explore the concept of value-based investing and how it allows investors to align their portfolios with their personal values. They examine the evolution of this investment approach, debunk the myth that it compromises financial returns, and highlight the diverse investment choices available for supporting various social causes.
Additionally, they touch on the influence investors can have through shareholder voting and the importance of personalized guidance in navigating value-based investing strategies.
Jessica discusses:
- Her background and how she got into the world of investing and finance
- The history and growth of value-based investing, as well as common beliefs about its impact on investment performance
- The growing availability of options for value-based investing
- Recommendations for self-reflection, seeking professional guidance, and understanding available choices
- The importance of risk assessment
- And more!
Related: The Model of Authentic Wealth