Your business is likely the largest illiquid asset you own.
Have you considered how you will turn it into a liquid asset so you can use it for
retirement planning?Here to shed light on selling your business is Albert Hakim, a Certified Merger and Acquisitions Advisor with Kensington Company. Today, Albert speaks with host Larry Heller about what business owners can do to become exit-ready and how they can make their businesses attractive to buyers.Related:
The Top Five Errors Retirees Make In this episode, you’ll learn:
Why Albert believes it’s a sign of trouble if a business owner can’t take six months off Examples of how business owners increased their valuation Ideas for practices to adopt now that will make it easier to sell later on Examples of what may attract acquirers to a certain business And more! Tune in now to learn how to make a smooth business exit so you can retire right!
Heller Wealth Management |
Kensington Company | (516) 626-2211