Getting a prospect to say “yes” during a 100% virtual sales process will be expensive and take more of everyone’s time if you haven’t already built your influence and credibility online.
Today, Matt is joined by Patrick Brewer, the founder of Model FA and a fellow podcast host, to discuss why having influence is a game-changer for sales processes that have gone completely virtual during COVID-19. Patrick also explains why the best way to build your influence is by being extremely clear about who your ideal client is. After all, the riches are in the niches!
In this episode, you will learn:
- Why getting a webinar prospect to say “yes” is expensive if you haven’t built up your online influence
- How and why Patrick has shifted his sales process during COVID-19
- How to use an interview-style podcast to convert clients (and not become an influencer marketer)
- Which types of content will help you build an audience before using conversion-oriented marketing tactics
- And more!
Tune in to hear what it takes to build enough influence to speed up your conversions!
Related: 16 Social Media Etiquette Rules for Financial Advisors