This episode of Power Your Advice features Doug Heikkinen and David Wood, CEO of Tough Conversations International and Play For Real, sharing perspectives on working from home, how the COVID-19 pandemic has provided the whole world a shared experience, the importance of looking for beauty and love, and how you should be reaching out to your clients as we go through this experience together.
In this podcast, you will learn about:
- How to take away the power of fear by giving yourself and your clients the space in which to name it
- How you should be reaching out to your clients right now
- The importance of connecting deeply and being with your clients as they go through their full spectrum of emotions
- How David’s 4-Step Tough Conversations Blueprint™ can help you structure meaningful conversations (not monologues) with your clients.
RESOURCES: Play For Real, 4-Step Tough Conversation Blueprint, Tough Conversations with David Wood Podcast, Get Real Game
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