To finish of Women’s History Month, your host Matt Halloran welcomes pay equity expert Katie Donovan to discuss what you can be doing to decrease the wage gap in your business.
Katie is the first pay expert to be featured on Top Advisor Marketing Podcast.
She began the movement in Massachusetts to ban use of salary history in hiring and compensation decisions which has had a dramatic impact on lessening the pay gap. She is now a consultant and owner of Equal Pay Negotiations (EPN). Her work their strives to achieve equal pay for all groups who are systemically underpaid
including women, people of color, members of the LGBTQ community, and people with disabilities, through pragmatic solutions similar to ending the use of salary history.Related:
The Importance of Branding When It Comes to Marketing to WomenDiscover ways you can change your hiring process, optimize your current payroll employee and learn what
finance as a wholecan be doing to decrease the wage gap.
Listen in today!
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Equal Pay Negotiations