The Difference Between “Live On” and “Leave On” Assets

Most of you have been working for a long time, and as a result, have become good savers. 

However, at some point in life, you will retire, rely upon the wealth you built, and eventually pass down everything you have to someone or something you care about.  

While preparing your assets to be passed on, it’s critical to consider which will be “live on” assets, and which will become “leave on.” Find out how to do this in this episode, as Peter Raskin helps you understand the difference between these types of assets and the planning-related factors you must consider with each. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Tax considerations associated with retirement-related “live on” assets  
  • Why and how to protect “live on” assets 
  • Why life insurance can be a helpful vehicle when leaving wealth to your beneficiaries or heirs 
  • Updating estate planning documents and wills as part your legacy planning process
  • And more!

Tune in today and find out how taxes and planning differ depending on the assets you’ll be transferring!