Crafting Tailored Client Experiences for a Personalized Connection

It feels good to be known----like when your hubby surprises you with your favorite flowers, when your mom sends her homemade cookies that always hit the spot, or when your friend shows up with a hot cup of joe from your go-to coffee shop. It makes you feel known…and special!

As advisors, it’s important to take note of even the littlest details your clients share so you can create personalized experiences that make them feel known.

In this episode, Libby shares about her Client Intel Process and how using this template to capture information allowed her and her team to create a customized, professional touch for all her client interactions.

And, Libby shares a FREE DOWNLOAD that you can start using ASAP in your business to collect, store, and utilize client information to create truly tailored experiences.

So, let’s dive into the Client Intel Process and, most importantly, how to integrate it into your business!

Related: How This Advisor Deepened His Relationship and Impacted Clients