Can I Become a Top 1% Financial Advisor?

99% of people will never get into the top 1% of anything. That’s just simple math…  But that doesn’t mean you’ll never get to the top 1%.

In fact, while becoming a top 1% financial advisor isn’t easy, it’s a lot simpler than you think.


Because you just have to do the simple things that 99% of people aren’t willing to do. Sure, they take time, energy, and effort. But so does pursuing anything worthwhile.

In today’s show, I’m revealing how—with brutal honesty—to get ahead of 99% of people. Now, you may not like the wisdom I share in this episode, but if you commit to it, you will be in the top 1%. Listen now.

Show highlights include:

  • How to attract wealth your way by treating your business success like a marriage (6:18) 
  • One question you must ask yourself if you ever want to enjoy being in the top 1% financially (6:53) 
  • The “ancient text” secret for becoming a top 1% financial advisor who gets to pick and choose your clients instead of chasing after them (7:25)
  • Why only reading Amazon best sellers limits your wealth potential (and why ancient books like The Bible will help you make more than $600,000 per year) (8:54) 
  • The 4-word affirmation to repeat to yourself that delivers a treasure trove of opportunities and wealth to your doorstep (9:37) 
  • How to become more successful than 99% of people by simply looking at this app on your phone (12:37) 
  • Why setting massive goals where you experience humiliating defeat leads to more successful than going with the flow (18:00) 
  • 3 dirt-simple ways to stand out to your ideal clients like a diamond in a truck full of coal (21:19)

Related: The Best Niche Marketing Advice I Can Give Financial Advisors