Here’s a look at the Top 11 Most Viewed Articles of the Week on Advisorpedia , Jan 29-Feb 2, 2018
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1. How Alternative Investments Can Add Value to HNW Investors' Portfolios
Alternative investments can offer more options for diversification. But lack of knowledge may be holding some investors back from using them to their full advantage. — Tom Daley
2. It’s Still Rock & Roll: As the Dollar Gets Rocked, Equities Continue to Roll
Much of the current bull market has occurred during the weakest economic recovery in history — exceptionally warm days despite early Spring shall we say? Now the markets are exultant to see an improving economic picture in much of the world, forgetting that we are already in a market that is hot, hot, hot! — Lenore Elle Hawkins
3. Tech Disruption To The Power Of 10
The Dogs of the Dow is a popular investment strategy. Specifically, the strategy encourages investors to, early in a new year, buy the 10 members of the Dow Jones Industrial Average that had the highest dividend yields at the end of the most recently completed year. — Tom Lydon
4. Five Ways to Look Better to a Seller
Whether you’re an employee at one of the major firms, an independent advisor with a broker dealer or the principal of your own RIA, acquiring a book of business is likely a topic that has captured some of your mindshare. And there’s good reason ... — Allison Brunwasser
5. True Selling Doesn’t Focus on What Is; It Focuses on What If?
It doesn’t take a great deal of skill to help another person who is already looking to make a change. It does takes a great deal of skill, however, to help someone find the desire, and the courage, to change before a loss or failure occurs. — Rob Jolles
6. Retirement May Be the Best Time to “Eat Your Principal”
It’s an investing rule of thumb you probably learned from your grandfather: “Don’t eat your principal!” And Grandpa was no fool. Living off your dividends and assets alone means you aren’t spending down the engine that drives your retirement income. — Jeff Bernier
7. Bitcoin: More Electricity Consumption Than the Entire Planet?
I am tempted to predict the price of bitcoin for the end of 2018 but know I’d be wrong, so I’m not. It could be $1 or $1 million. I’m not going to forecast it, as there are over 1,000 digital currencies out there and who knows which will be the winner long-term. — Chris Skinner
8. Why 2018 Could be Your Worst Year Ever!
Of course it doesn’t have to be … in fact, with some resolve and not too much effort it could be your best year ever – when you broaden your perspective on how you get and keep your clients. — Paulette Filion and Judy Paradi
9. Building Trust Is the Number One Priority for Your CEO
Trust is the most valuable commodity in your organisation – although it’s probably not something you talk about often, much less attempt to measure. — Paul Taylor
10. How To Answer Difficult Questions Like A Genius
As we strive for greater success in our lives we will often find ourselves on the receiving end of tough questions. They can come unexpectedly and we often need to think on our feet. — Ita Olsen
11. Intelligent International Income Ideas
The S&P 500 yields a paltry 1.76% and over half the world's dividend-paying stocks are found outside the U.S. Those data points confirm that in the search for higher yields and increased current income, international stocks are an integral part of the equation. — Tom Lydon