Here’s a look at the Top 11 Most Viewed Articles of the Week on Advisorpedia , Feb 26-March 2, 2018
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1. Passive Investing vs. Passive Investor
I often get asked…which is better for an investor, active or passive? My answer is always the same. It really doesn’t matter that much because we are focused on the wrong thing. — Jay Mooreland
2. An ETF Where Social Sentiment and Investing Meet
Thinking back to the early days of social media, you know when Myspace was still cool, it is fair to say that the original intent of social media was NOT to provide an avenue for potential success in financial markets. — Tom Lydon
3. 7 Critical Conversations to Build a 7 Figure Business
There are critical conversations necessary to engage people in ways that predictably turn leads into prospects, prospects into clients, clients into people who take action on your advice, happily pay you for planning and advice, and refer you to their friends, family, and colleagues. — Bill Bachrach
4. The Key to Smarter Investing: Smart Beta ETFs
As an advisor, you’re well aware of the value of ETFs. These versatile investment vehicles can provide your clients with tax-efficient exposure to specific areas of the market. It wasn’t long ago that ETFs shared another common trait: they were passively managed. — Index IQ
5. The Benefits of Recent Stock Market Volatility
The past month has contained some of the highest levels of stock market volatility of the past few years. While this can be somewhat unnerving, this is not an entirely bad situation for investors. — Kevin Ervin
6. 10 Ways to Get Name Recognition with Prospects
It’s happened before. You’ve made initial contact with a dentist and told them you specialty is working with local dentists. They counter: “Never heard of you.” — Bryce Sanders
7. Where Should You Invest Now?
For the first time since the 2008-2009 recession, a synchronized global economic recovery gathers steam. The US job market is solid, consumer confidence rising and low unemployment could result in further economic gains. Although we are eight years into an economic expansion, the cumulative real GDP growth is well below future peaks ... — Mike Eklund
8. Why Most Advisers’ Marketing Doesn’t Work
Have you ever had one of those LinkedIn messages from someone you don’t know inviting you to connect? You have no idea who they are, but “what the heck”, you say, and click the Accept button. I like strangers. Some of my best friends started out as strangers. — Stewart Bell
9. How an Elite Financial Advisor Manages Time
How does an elite financial advisor manage their time? By time blocking three critical categories. First, there must be time for growth. An elite advisor typically grows at a 17% rate annually. Therefore, they know they must time block 17% or more of their time on a weekly basis for ideal prospects. — Grant Hicks
10. 27 Advisor Marketing Ideas and Strategies That Work!
Because I am the guy who helps financial advisors get more clients, it is my personal responsibility to make sure you have the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the marketplace. I hope that you can take these financial advisor marketing ideas and implement them in your own life. — James Pollard
11. The Difference Between Success and Failure Is Down to What You Do With Your Time
Becoming an elite advisor has everything to do with making a commitment to doing the right activities. The difference between success and failure is down to what you do with your time. — Don Connelly