1. A New Financial Advisor Is Emerging From This Pandemic
Just as the news media is increasingly featuring inspiring personal stories to help people cope with the pandemic, so too you can use stories to calm your clients’ nerves and forge stronger relationships with them. — Paulette Filion and Judy Paradi
2. Investors, Their Advisors and the Virus
In times of dire financial situations, the relationship between a financial advisor and a client investor can be either strengthened or strained. — Catherine McBreen
3. How to Minimize Your Clients’ Panic During the Market Sell-Off
Why do market losses lead some investors to act in a way that leads to even bigger losses? — Shlomo Benartzi, PhD
4. Economic Déjà Vu? The Recovery May be Like 2008-09
A starting insight is that we are facing a recession, but not a depression. Neither copper nor oil prices—good barometers of global growth—have fallen below their 2015-2016 lows when China slowed down. — Jan van Eck
5. The Number One Way Financial Advisors Can Compete With Institutions
Remember, the number one reason you aren't getting more referrals (enough referrals) is because your clients have been trained to give you deals instead of introductions. — Mike Garrison
6. Real Estate Investing in the Age of Covid-19
What goes up eventually mustcome down. Buy low, sell high. With these two adages in mind, investors in commercial real estate are looking for opportunities that are likely to arise as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. — Lee Sherman
7. The Amazing Benefits of the Peace of Mind Call
Peace of mind is about the comfort level a customer has with you. It gives them confidence and makes them want to continue doing business with you. — Shep Hyken
8. The Power of Holistic Financial Planning
What exactly does this type of planning entail, and why should you incorporate this planning style into your financial planning picture? — Jason L. Smith
9. Financial Advisors: Your Office Walls Just Got Bigger
Your four office walls didn’t get smaller. In fact, they got a lot bigger and now include the vastness of the internet. There is a lot more competition in your new virtual world that is also vying for your ideal client’s attention. — Alana Kohl
10. The Major Stock Index Does Not Reflect the Economy… or Even the Stock Market
After declining sharply between mid-February and late-March, and despite few signs of a near-term resolution to the economic impact of the pandemic, the stock market proceeded to rebound meaningfully through April and into early May. Or did it? — Sean P. Smith
11. The Most Important Conversation We Should Be Having With Our Family Members Right Now
Living in an “ER” Society: We are wealthiER, poorER, fattER, thinnER; bettER or smartER than our neighbors, colleagues, friends and families. We check our progress and our level of success by how we stack up beside others in our sphere. Typically we compare ourselves to those who are closest to us. — Michael Kay