Invest With More Confidence and Control

Secure Lock+SM — a feature available with Lincoln Level Advantage 2SM index-linked annuity

When faced with volatility and uncertainty, you may be tempted to stray from your long-term investing plan. Knowing you can adjust your strategy in the near term without undermining your long-term plan may help you feel more in control and confident to ride out the ups and downs.

Bring added predictability and opportunity to your investment.

Lincoln Level Advantage 2 is an index-linked annuity. Annuities are long-term investment products that offer tax-deferred growth, and death benefit protection. To decide if Lincoln Level Advantage 2 is right for you, consider that its value will fluctuate; it is subject to investment risk and possible loss of principal. All guarantees, including those for optional features, are subject to the claims-paying ability of the issuer. Limitations and conditions apply.

Paula is focused on growing her money but has become more sensitive to risk. She invests $100,000 in Lincoln Level Advantage 2 and allocates her money to a 6-year indexed account with 20% protection.

Paula’s financial professional gets an alert when her indexed account performance reaches a preset threshold. Together, they decide to use Secure Lock+ to capture the gains. Ten days prior to her next monthly anniversary, she knows her new performance cap rate. Her protection level remains the same. After the reset, Paula can use Secure Lock+ again  — as often as once per year.

Upon a lock in, the account value of the indexed account is locked in and will be adjusted for withdrawals and any charges. On the next monthly anniversary date, the daily adjustments to the account value of the indexed account will resume, the starting index value to determine the performance at the end of the term is reset and your Crediting Base is reset to the locked in value. If you request a lock in when the indexed account value is below the Indexed Crediting Base, protection levels do not apply and you assume all loss.

The reset crediting strategy rate declared takes into account market pricing factors and may be significantly less than the crediting strategy rate prior to the lock in.

Examples are hypothetical and for illustrative purposes only. They do not reflect a specific indexed account and are not indicative of real results. Indexed accounts are tied to market performance, but they are not actual investments in the stock market. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Feel more in control and confident about staying in the market through volatility. For more information, go to

This material is authorized for use only when preceded or accompanied by a prospectus, which describes investment objectives, risk factors, fees and charges that may apply as well as other important information. Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest or send money. The prospectus can be obtained by calling 888-868-2583.

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Important information:

Lincoln Financial Group® affiliates, their distributors, and their respective employees, representatives, and/or insurance agents do not provide tax, accounting, or legal advice. Please consult an independent professional as to any tax, accounting, or legal statements made herein.

Lincoln Level Advantage 2SM index-linked annuity is a long-term investment product designed for retirement purposes. There are no explicit fees associated with the index linked account options available. Annuities are subject to market risk including loss of principal. Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income tax treatment and, if taken prior to age 59½ in nonqualified contracts, may be subject to an additional 10% federal tax.

Index-linked annuity products are complex insurance and investment vehicles. Please reference the prospectus for information about the levels of protection available and other important product information.

Lincoln Level Advantage 2SM index-linked annuities (contract forms 24-50090, 24-50091, and state variations) are issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN, and distributed by Lincoln Financial Distributors, Inc., a broker-dealer. The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company does not solicit business in the state of New York, nor is it authorized to do so.