How To Plan for Retirement in Your 50s

If you’re in your fifties, you’re in your peak earning years, and finally have the time and money to do the things you’ve always wanted to do, but have you kept up with saving for retirement? You can save for retirement and still enjoy the fun part of being 50+.

In this episode, Jeremy Keil talks about how to plan for retirement in your fifties with five steps. He goes over the different catch-up contribution opportunities, avoiding lifestyle creep, researching your longevity, getting your insurance ready for the last decade of your career, and getting your investments ready for retirement.

Jeremy discusses:

  • What saving opportunities become available in your fifties
  • What lifestyle creep is and how to avoid it
  • Why researching longevity is important to determine how much you’ll need in retirement
  • The types of insurance you need to get ready for the last decade of your career
  • How to prepare your investments as you approach your retirement
  • And more

Related: How To Become Distraction-Proof with Paul Kingsman