5 Questions You Need To Answer Before You Retire

Are you ready to retire? Make sure you’ve answered these questions.

In this episode, Jeremy Keil discusses 5 important questions you need to think about and answer before you retire. He emphasizes the need to think about personal desires and goals when deciding when to retire rather than external factors like pensions or social security. He also goes over the 4 stages of retirement from Dr. Riley Moynes’ TEDx talk and the importance of finding purpose and passion in retirement and touches on topics such as health insurance options, life expectancy, and tax management in retirement.

Jeremy discusses:

  • Determining when you want to retire
  • Planning for what you will do in retirement
  • How to get health insurance in retirement
  • Planning for your longevity
  • How to lower your taxes in retirement
  • And more

Related: How to Engineer the Second Half of Your Life