Written By: Chris Vermeulen Our research team has been nailing the markets moves with our proprietary price modeling tools. Our December 12, 2018 call that Natural Gas would collapse nearly 30% after reaching a price peak was a very bold call. Who would have thought that predictive price modeling could be so accurate and could identify a move like this – or call for what is expected to happen next?Back when Natural Gas breached the $4.60~4.80 range, our ADL predictive modeling system was suggesting a massive price anomaly was setting up. These types of triggers are becoming more common as volatility in the general markets increases. The ADL system suggested that a massive -30% downside price move would happen before the end of February 2019.Now, as that trade has completed and our targets have been reached, we are alerting our followers that Natural Gas should begin to consolidate between $2.80 and $3.30 before attempting to rocket back above $4.00 near April or May 2019. Read our original analysis of Natural Gas to learn why these moves provide an incredible opportunity for traders and visit www.TheTechnicalTraders.com/FreeResearch/ to read up on our early 2019 market predictions. Join our other members in making 2019 an incredibly successful year. We believe 2019 will provide exceptional opportunities for skilled traders and we'll be happy to share our proprietary research and analysis with you as a member of Technical Traders Ltd. You really don't want to miss these moves and this incredible opportunity. Think about it, one trade like this with a -30% selloff followed by a 24% price rally could make your entire year. Imagine being able to find trades like this every week or month for success.Visit www.TheTechnicalTraders.com and get ready to make 2019 a fantastic year of success no matter if we have a bull market or bear market.