Premier Financial Advisor Allan Roth on Smart Investing Strategies

You're going to enjoy this podcast. Allan and I discuss seven investment mistakes to avoid. The name of his website -- -- tells you a lot about how Allan thinks of personal financial decisions, particularly portfolio choice.

Allan Roth holds MBA, CPA, CFP degrees/certificates. His company, Wealth Logic, a hourly fee-only based financial advisory firm that develops a financial plan and investment strategy designed to create wealth for you, rather than an income stream for someone else. It is based on the belief that, if a client surrenders some of their emotional return, clients can double their real economic return. In Allan's experience, reducing emotion in investing can produce a boring portfolio that doubles their expected real return!

Allan's approach connects to behavioral finance (a combination of economics and psychology) that explains how our emotions can distort our investing. It also leads us to needlessly surrender huge bucks to trusted professionals and taxes without realizing that we're actually doing so.

Allan writes for the Wall Street Journal, Financial Planning Magazine, Forbes, and other publications. He's a rare breed -- a financial planner with a sense of humor and a natural teacher. Hence, you're going to be well entertained as well as educated by listening/watching Allan's second appearance on Economics Matters.

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