How to Say No to Financial Requests Without Guilt

A friend or family member asks for your help financially, whether they ask you to co-sign a loan or give them money.

>>Awkward silence<<

"Sure, I guess so," you say, even as you have a sinking feeling in your gut that this isn't how you want to answer.

Saying no to financial requests from people you love is hard, especially if you can help. But what if you don't want to?

What if you've witnessed this person's irresponsibility with money on multiple occasions? What if you know "helping" them is enabling their bad behavior to continue?

For some people, knowing the right words to say in advance works wonders.

"I won't be able to lend you money at this time."

"It's not feasible in our family finances to lend you money."

"I'm not comfortable co-signing a loan for you."

Other people will know the right words yet still cave in to pressure.

Do you struggle to say NO to financial requests?

Do you feel guilty when setting financial boundaries?

Related: The Cure for Comparison: How Gratitude Unlocks True Contentment