"I just don't have the time!"
How many times a week do you hear or say that phrase? In the work that I do, I hear this comment many times throughout the course of my day.
We are so busy reacting to life, that the average individual in Corporate America doesn't realize they have become addicted to that story. Many people have given up trying to be proactive and instead just react.
The reasons for, "I just don't have the time" are endless...technology, your company's culture, both adults in the family having to work to pay for the life you live. The list could go on and on.
But, I have a way that you can be more productive, happier with yourself and live a life that's more in alignment with who you truly are.
The strategy probably won't surprise many of you who have worked with me. However, it WILL work for you if you do it with regularity.
Here's the Plan
1. Create a written vision for the different components of your life (self, family, business, financial). Vision is your desire future state. Vision is the beginning of everyone's time management. Vision is the touchstone that you use to prioritize what's important to you in the NOW. Once you write out your vision for each of your categories, refer to it every day.
Below are three easy steps to make sure you're giving each category the correct amount of attention on a daily basis.
Step One
At the end of each day, block out 30-minutes to:
Step Two
This takes less work and energy - spend twenty-minutes at the very beginning of each day to confirm what your calendar is and what your expectations are
Related: Companies Skyrocket When They Attach Themselves to Employees' Dreams
Step Three
Mid-day, take fifteen-minutes to focus on the rest of the day
At the end of the day, start this process over again with step one.
I have found the most difficult part of these three steps is creating the habit of doing each step, every day. However, when you begin practicing this strategy of mindfulness, your life will change.
Remember, we all have "all the time in the world". The question is, what do you want (vision)? Create your plan. Every 'want to' has a list of 'have to's' for it to become a reality. Success takes action!
Respect yourself enough to dedicate your life to you. Stop and make the investment of sixty-five minutes a day in the most important resource you have...YOU!
Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions on how to make this habit part of your everyday life, please don't hesitate to reach out.