Why Your Sales Conversations Should Be More Than Social Exchanges

Many people in sales believe that adjusting their personality to match their prospects will create better chemistry and ultimately lead to more closed deals.

Some even go so far as to take personality tests to better understand themselves and their prospects.

While this might work when you're trying to make friends, it’s not a strategy that will lead to more sales.

If you focus too much on personality alignment, you risk turning your sales meetings into social exchanges rather than business-focused conversations.

The idea that building relationships based on personality is crucial to sales comes from the notion that "if you get along, you can do business."

Selling is no longer about making your prospect like you or finding a "personality fit."

Your goal should be to help them understand why you’re the solution to their problem.

This is not about becoming friends but about showing that you can solve their issue in a meaningful way.

When sales conversations turn into social exchanges, they often feel inauthentic, and your prospect may begin to question your motives.

If they sense you’re more interested in developing a relationship than in solving their problem, it’s unlikely that you’ll close the deal.

Think about your own experiences when you’ve visited a doctor, lawyer, or mechanic.

Did you spend time discussing your personalities, or did you just want to get your problem solved?

These professionals don’t need to be your friends, and you don’t need to know them personally.

What you do need from them is to demonstrate that they understand your problem and can solve it.

This is the same approach that should apply in sales conversations.

You don’t need to focus on “getting along” or developing a friendship; your focus should be on problem-solving.

Your initial meeting should not be a "personality fit moment."

It’s a "problem clarity moment" where the focus should be on understanding the issue at hand and demonstrating that you have the solution.

Just like when you visit your doctor or mechanic, you want to feel confident that they can fix the problem you're facing.

A sales conversation should be the same: focused on clarifying their problem and showing them how your solution works, not on socializing or trying to become their friend.

If you rely on personality alignment in your sales meetings, you miss the point of the conversation.

Your prospect is not hiring you because they like you or because you’re a great match.

They’re hiring you because they trust you can solve their problem.

The key to building trust isn’t through social exchanges but by showing your deep understanding of their issue and the way your solution addresses it.

Selling with trust isn’t about creating a personal connection through small talk or becoming friends.

It’s about demonstrating that you understand your prospect's problem at a deep level and offering a solution.

When you focus on clarifying the problem, you automatically position yourself as an expert who’s focused on solving their issue.

You show them your value without having to “sell” them anything.

Instead of worrying about being liked, you should focus on demonstrating your expertise and making it clear that you are the solution to their problem.

The best way to gain your prospect’s trust is by clarifying their problem.

When you do this, you show that you not only understand their situation, but that you care enough to help them.

This is the core of a truly effective sales conversation.

There’s no need to create a “relationship” or engage in selling tactics.

The focus should always be on explaining the problem and showing the solution.

Shifting from a personality-based approach to a problem-centric approach is essential in sales.

When you make this shift, you’ll see that the focus of the conversation becomes much clearer: it’s not about fitting in or making friends, it’s about providing real value by solving their problems.

This is how you build trust and close more deals.

If you’re ready to stop wasting time on social chit-chat and start focusing on what truly matters -- solving problems and building trust -- order your complimentary books and consultation today.

Related: Are Outdated Selling Habits Stalling Your Growth?

Get Ari’s 6 best-selling books for FREE here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest books "Are You Chasing Ghosts", "Trusted Authority" and "Trust In A Split Second" have become instant best-sellers among financial advisors worldwide, get your free books here.