Why Prospects Get Stuck in Limbo and How to Drive Conversions

You’ve met with a qualified prospect, and everything seems to go well during your conversation.

They express their interest and ask you to check back with them in a couple of weeks, which feels promising and gives you hope for a future opportunity with them.

They might not be ready to make a decision right now, but it’s easy to assume that with a little gentle nudging, they’ll ultimately commit to coming on board with you.

However, how many times have you found yourself making that assumption, only to eventually be “ghosted”.

For many advisors, the answer is far too many.

So, it begs the question: is giving value and educating your prospect really in your best interest?

Many highly skilled advisors, despite providing immense value during their initial conversations, still average only one to three new clients out of every ten qualified prospects they engage with.

The process often begins with an initial discovery meeting, followed by a thorough analysis of their financial documents.

You go the extra mile by creating a free financial plan tailored to their needs, and then they meet with you to discuss that plan in detail.

Instead of walking away convinced of the value you’ve provided, they often respond by saying they need more time to think about it, and then, just like that, they ghost you.

All that time and effort you invested, all that “value” you gave without any return, results in lost time and money on your part, which can be incredibly frustrating.

There’s something fundamentally wrong with this value-based approach, otherwise, you would be at the top of your game, given the expertise you bring to the table.

For many advisors, it’s easier to avoid confronting is issues head-on.

When you provide solution-based information upfront, you unintentionally shift their focus away from the urgency of addressing their issues and redirect it toward contemplating the potential benefits of this solution-based information you have given them.

While you think you’re offering helpful insights, what you’re really doing is giving them more to mull over, which often leads to further indecision -- the exact opposite of what you want to achieve.

Most prospects lack the technical knowledge to accurately judge whether your offering is indeed superior to those offered by others.

When you try to demonstrate that your value is superior to others, you’re not building the deep trust they require to make a decision.

Trust is crucial for triggering decisive action, and it stems from how effectively you help them understand the depth of their challenge -- not just your solutions.

At the end of the day, their number one criteria is simple: Can they trust you or not?

Eliminating indecision in your prospect’s mind about moving forward with you relies heavily on your ability to cultivate that deep trust.

They need to view you as the authority on their problems so that you naturally become the one they turn to for solutions.

How you connect with your prospects and how you position yourself in their eyes is crucial to becoming their Trusted Authority.

You can start to do this by shifting your mindset: Instead of seeing prospects merely as potential clients or opportunities, view them as unique individuals who are asking this question in their mind: “Do I trust him?”.

Ask the right questions that delve into their deeper concerns: What worries them about their financial future?

When you take the time to uncover these emotional layers, you position yourself not just as an advisor but as a trusted partner who is genuinely invested in their success.

When you do this, you’re demonstrating you truly understand their situation and they feel understood and valued, trust flourishes naturally.

If you’re ready to embrace this mindset shift and truly become a true Trusted Authority, get your complimentary book and consultation below.

Related: Ditch the Sales Script: Lead with Trust for Better Results

Get Ari’s 6 best-selling books for FREE here and you’ll also receive a Complimentary Sales and Lead Generation Consultation (value $995.00). Ari Galper is the world’s number one authority on trust-based selling and is the most sought-after high-net-worth new client acquisition expert for financial advisors. His latest books "Are You Chasing Ghosts", "Trusted Authority" and "Trust In A Split Second" have become instant best-sellers among financial advisors worldwide, get your free books here.